Process data equations


The process data, which are transferred to the Bus Terminal, are calculated based on the following equations:

YH = X x AK + BK

Output value after manufacturer calibration (the feature object user scaling [0x8020:01 (channel 1), 0x8030:01 (channel 2), 0x8040:01 (channel 3), 0x8050:01 (channel 4) is inactive]

YA =  YH  x  A x  2-16 + B

Output value following user scaling




Object index


Process data to D/A converter after manufacturer calibration



Process data to D/A converter after user scaling



Controller process data



Manufacturer calibration offset (can only be changed if the producer code word (object 0xF008) is set)



Manufacturer calibration gain (can only be changed if the Producer codeword (object 0xF008) is set)



User scaling offset (can be activated via feature object user scaling [0x8020:01 (channel 1), 0x8030:01 (channel 2), 0x8040:01 (channel 3), 0x8050:01 (channel 4)]



User scaling gain (can be activated via feature object user scaling [0x8020:01 (channel 1), 0x8030:01 (channel 2), 0x8040:01 (channel 3), 0x8050:01 (channel 4)]


Sample: Limitation of the output range from -5 V to +5 V, calculation of the user scaling GAIN factor

YA = 16383dec

corresponds to the desired upper limit value of +5 V


YH = 32767dec

corresponds to the upper limit value of +10 V

BW = 0dec 

corresponds to the offset of the user scaling



YA =  YH  x  A x  2-16 + B

Û (YA - BW ) / (YH x 2-16 ) =  A

(16383 - 0) / 32767 x 2-16

=  A W =  32767

Calculation of the GAIN value for an upper limit value of +5 V
(corresponds to a lower limit value of -5 V through cancelling the sign)


corresponds to the user scaling gain factor (factor 0.5)

Sample: Shifting of the output range from -3 V to +10 V, calculation of the user scaling OFFSET value

YA = (- 9831dec )

corresponds to the desired lower limit value of -3 V

YH = (-32769dec)

corresponds to the lower limit value of -10 V

AW = 65536dec 

corresponds to the gain factor of the user scaling (factor 1)



YA = YH x A x 2-16 + BW

Û YA - YH x AW x 2-16 =   B

(- 9831) - (- 32769 x 65536 x 2-16)

= B
W = 22938 

Calculation of the OFFSET value for the shifting of the lower limit value to -3 V



corresponds to the offset value of the user scaling of +7 V

Process data equations 1:

OFFSET value

Shifting of the output value through the OFFSET is linear up to the lower (- 10 V) or upper limit value (+ 10 V).

User-specific output value (user default output)

The analog output value can, e.g. in the case of a failure of communication with the controller, be set to a user-specific value. The objects 0x8020:06 (channel 1), 0x8030:06 (channel 2), 0x8040:06 (channel 3), 0x8050:06 (channel 4) activate this option (value: TRUE); the output values are determined with the objects 0x8020:13 (channel 1), 0x8030:13 (channel 2), 0x8040:13 (channel 3), 0x8050:13 (channel 4). If this function is disabled (value of object 0x8020:06 (channel 1), 0x8030:06 (channel 2), 0x8040:06 (channel 3), 0x8050:06 (channel 4) is FALSE), the manufacturer default value (0V) is output.
If the watchdog timer is deactivated (value of object 0x8020:05 (channel 1), 0x8030:05 (channel 2), 0x8040:05 (channel 3), 0x8050:05 (channel 4) is TRUE), no default value is output.

PLS function (Programmable Limit Switch)

The PLS function enables a certain value ("PLS output data", object 0x80A2) to be assigned to the digital outputs when the assigned encoder ("Encoder as PLS source", object 0x80A0:01) has reached a particular switch value ("PLS switch value", object 0x80A1). Object 0x80A0:11 ("output mask") is used to specify which of the digital outputs are allocated to the PLS function.


Value in object 0x80A0:11 = 0x00FF, outputs 0-7 are assigned to the PLS function, outputs 8-15 are not linked to the function.

If no valid table entry is available (counter reading >=0, but less than the first table entry), the value in object 0x80A0:12 ("default output") is output.
Object 0x80A1 contains up to 75 switch values ("PLS switch values"); object 0x80A2 contains up to 75 output data ("PLS output data"). The PLS function can only be activated if the subindex :0 (number of following subindices) for objects 0x80A1 and 0x80A2 is identical.

Process data equations 2:

PLS function: Response time for triggering the outputs

The internal processing time of the terminal from reaching the PLS switch value to switching of the digital outputs is specified with less than 365 µs.

Code Word

Process data equations 3:

Code word

The vendor reserves the authority for the basic calibration of the terminals. The code word is therefore at present reserved.