ModuleGroup | "Analog Output" (0x682199, 0x602199)
In the ModuleGroup "Analog Output", the output can be parameterized as either a voltage output or a current output.
The following ModuleGroups are available for selection, the description of the function can be found in the corresponding ModuleIdent.
- Parameterization as current output with module AO_1xC (ModuleIdent 0x682199)
- Parameterization as voltage output with module AO_1xV (ModuleIdent 0x602199)
The analog value is output in index 0x70B0:11 "Analog Output". The data stream is shown in the flow chart (see chapter Data stream). The following settings and functions are available:
- Current - output signal range and scaling type
- Voltage - output signal range and scaling type
- Presentation
- Calibration and scaling
(vendor calibration, user calibration, user scale) - Output range monitoring
(overflow and underflow of the nominal and technical output range) - Behavior in the event of communication interruption (watchdog)
The process data and setting objects depend on the configuration. The available process data and settings objects are shown below depending on the configuration.
For all AO modules
AO_1xC (0x682199) | |
Process data objects | Setting objects |
0x60B0:0 | SlotGroup 5 (Slot 12) AO Inputs 1 0x70B0:0 | SlotGroup 5 (Slot 12) AO Output 1 | 0x80B0:0 | SlotGroup 5 (Slot 12) AO Settings 1 |
*) 0x80AD:11 "Output Type": I 0 - 20 mA, I 4 - 20 mA |
AO_1xV (0x602199) | |
Process data objects | Setting objects |
0x60B0:0 | SlotGroup 5 (Slot 12) AO Inputs 1 0x70B0:0 | SlotGroup 5 (Slot 12) AO Outputs 1 | 0x80B0:0 | SlotGroup 5 (Slot 12) AO Settings 1 |
**) 0x80BD:11 "Output Type": V ±10 V, V 0 - 10 V |
See also: | AO Settings 1 (0x80B0) |
- Current ("AO_1xC") - Output ranges and scaling type (0x682199)
- Voltage ("AO_1xV") - output ranges and scaling type (0x602199)
- Data stream (0x682199, 0x602199)
- Presentation (Presentation, 0x80B0:02) (0x682199, 0x602199)
- Calibration and scaling
- Output range monitoring (0x682199, 0x602199)
- Behavior in the event of a communication interruption: Watchdog (0x682199, 0x602199)