Operating modes CST, CSTCA, CSV and CSP are supported. The operating mode is set in the CoE list in index 0x7010:03 Modes of operation (MDP) or index 0x6060:0 Modes of operation (DS402). In the respective process data the user can additionally select the respective Predefined PDO Assignment. All required variables are then in the process data.
CSV - cyclic synchronous velocity (velocity control)
In CSV mode the EL72x1-xxxx operates with the cyclic velocity interface. A defined velocity can be set via the Target velocity variable.
CST - cyclic synchronous torque (torque control)
In CST mode the EL72x1-xxxx operates in the cyclic torque interface. A defined torque can be set via the Target torque variable.
CSTCA - cyclic synchronous torque with commutation angle (torque control with commutation angle)
This operating mode is also intended for use with the cyclic torque interface. In addition the user can specify the commutation angle. The variable Commutation angle can be used to set an angle which is to be maintained with a defined torque set in variable Target torque.
CSP - cyclic synchronous position (position control)
In the CSP operating mode the EL72x1-xxxx operates in the cyclic position interface. A defined position can be set via the Target position variable.
For further information on the three operating modes described above please refer to section “Commissioning without NC”.