Saving the Interbus configuration

Saving the Interbus configuration in the EL6740-0010 (from FW 02)

The EL6740-0010 enables the current Interbus configuration (baud rate and ID in CoE object 0xF800) to be stored in order to prevent inadvertent changes in the relationship between the slave and the Interbus master. To this end the value 0x65766173 has to be written after object 0x1010:01 in OP or SAFE-OP state via acyclic communication. Enter 0x64616F6C into object 0x1011:01 to enable a reset.

An attempt to start an EtherCAT configuration with different Interbus parameters aborts the corresponding EL6740-0010 with abort code 0x0026.

For acyclic communication with the CoE-directory of EL6740-0010 CoE e.g. from the PLC blocks such as FB_EcCoESdoWrite are available in TcEtherCAT.lib.