Notes to Commissioning


Basic information about external TwinCAT synchronization

The EL6688 is an EtherCAT slave for time synchronization. Please regard the explanations in the EtherCAT system documentation from chapter "EtherCAT synchronization".

Quick start as slave clock

(Item 3 optional - StartUp list for the exchange case)

1. Generate configuration in TwinCAT: Right-click on EtherCAT devices and "Scan boxes" or manually create configuration

2. Make CoE settings for the EL6688 (in PreOP – see note)

3. Add CoE settings to the StartUp list (for the exchange case)

Notes to Commissioning 1:
Start-up list
Notes to Commissioning 2:

Special features or start-up behavior

If a terminal is replaced with a new Beckhoff terminal, it will have the factory settings. It is therefore recommended to link all changes in the CoE directory of an EtherCAT slave in the startup list of the slave, which is sent to the slave at each startup of the EtherCAT fieldbus in the PreOP/SafeOP or SafeOP/OP transition.

In this way a replacement EtherCAT slave can automatically be parameterized with the specifications of the user.

Please note for the EL6688: immediately when the terminal starts up, the PTP clock is started with the parameters stored in the CoE, i.e. already in the INIT state. A change of the PTP settings in the CoE, e. g. by the StartUp list in the later PreOp/SafeOP, only becomes effective at the next/subsequent start from INIT, since the PTP clock cannot be changed during operation. After changing the PTP settings the terminal must pass through the INIT state once, e.g. by restarting EtherCAT, PowerOn/Off of the terminal or state change from the PLC.

This also applies to the special case of initial commissioning with factory settings or after changes to the PTP settings: only during the subsequent startup after INIT does the PTP Clock operate as intended.

4. Check EtherCAT master settings

5. If not already done, create a task and link it with EtherCAT
e.g. Cycle time: 1ms, if necessary with autostart:

6. Check that, at the latest from now on, the EL6688 is connected to the grandmaster via the X1-port (RJ45).

7. Activate TwinCAT configuration and start TwinCAT in RUN mode

8. Diagnosis via PTP Diag (0xFA80)

Notes to Commissioning 3:
Diagnosis via PTP Diag (0xFA80)

9. Diagnosis via FB_EcExtSyncCheck (TC2) or FB_EcExtSyncCheck64 (TC3)

For further information, see chapter "Answers to frequently asked questions"

General notes

Notes to Commissioning 5:

Changing the settings

Always use the following procedure for changing CoE settings in the EL6688:
1. Set EL6688 to PREOP
2. Change parameters
3. Enter the value 0x65766173 in index 0x1010:01.
4. Set EL6688 to INIT and then OP

Process data

Sync Mode

0: no synchronization
1: device operates as SYNC master
2: device operates as SYNC slave

Control Value Update Toggle

only for SYNC slave. toggles every time when the control value was updated

Time Stamp Update Toggle

only for SYNC slave. toggles every time when the control value was updated

External device not connected

TRUE: no external synchronization found (always TRUE if device operates as SYNC master)

Internal Time Stamp

only for  SYNC slave. DC time stamp at the same time as the external time stamp
This is a cyclically calculated time, not the DC absolute time.

External  Time Stamp

only for SYNC slave. external time stamp recalculated in DC units (ns)
This is a cyclically calculated time, not the absolute time from the last PTP telegram.

Time Control Value

TwinCAT does not use this value.

Default state

Supported PTP modes

Operation mode


PTPv1 SlaveOnly

from SW02

PTPv1 Grandmaster

from SW03

PTPv1 Best Master Clock

on request

PTPv2 SlaveOnly

from SW03

PTPv2 Grandmaster

from SW07

PTPv2 Best Master Clock

on request

Mutual settings

Depending on the protocol used, the following settings must match in the grandmaster clock and the slave clock(s). For setting the EL6688 see the CoE list from index 0xF880. Changes must be saved permanently by writing 0x65766173 into index 0x1010:01.

Quality settings

For setting the EL6688 see the CoE list from index 0xF880. Changes must be saved permanently by writing 0x65766173 into index 0x1010:01.

TwinCAT settings

Distributed clocks (DC) timing settings

Notes to Commissioning 6:
TwinCAT 2.11 DC settings

We recommended manually selecting the EL6688 as reference clock through "DC in use".

TwinCAT behavior

After the EtherCAT startup the EL6688 takes a few seconds before it can supply data for the synchronization. This is indicated by toggling bits in the process data. Depending on the environment, a few more seconds may elapse before full synchronization is achieved.

Operation of the EL6688 as PTPv1 master

The SyncInterval of the sent SyncTelegrams can be changed. The default is 2 sec.

Stratum = 0 is automatically set, forcing this clock to act as grandmaster for the network.

In master mode the EL6688 reports "External device not connected" in the process data

Operation of the EL6688 as PTPv2 master

The SyncInterval as well as the AnnounceInterval of the sent Sync or Announce telegrams can be changed, default: Sync=1 s, Announce=2 s

The master operation can be forced by setting Priority1 = 1 and Priority2 = 1 as grandmaster in the network.

In master mode the EL6688 reports "External device not connected" in the process data

Operation of the EL6688 as PTPv1 slave

Stratum = 255 is set to prevent this clock being use as grandmaster in the network.

Own IP address: the EL6688 can be allocated a dedicated IP address, under which it sends its DelayRequest messages, for example. It can also be used for ping control. As far as the set Delay Request Interval is not equal to "disabled", then an IP address ≠ 0 is mandatory.

Operation of the EL6688 as PTPv2 slave

Slave operation can be forced by setting Priority1 = 255 and Priority2 = 255, so this clock will never be used as a grandmaster in the network.

Own IP address: the EL6688 can be allocated a dedicated IP address, under which it sends its (P)DelayRequest messages, for example. It can also be used for ping control. PTPv2 defines two different transport layers:

Layer 2 "PTP over ETHERNET": IP address ≠ 0 is not required for delay mechanism (only relevant for ping control)

Layer 3 "PTP over UDP": IP address ≠ 0 is required for delay mechanism (E2E or P2P) and ping control