EL 6652-0000 configuration
The EL6652 EtherCAT Terminal is a simple Ethernet/IP Master and supports the exchange of process data without configuration data. Only Ethernet/IP Slaves that require no configuration can be used. The feature corresponds to the "Generic Node" in the case of Rockwell. Before using the EL6652, you must check whether the slave can enter into process data exchange mode without configuration.
The import of an EDS file is currently not supported. The EDS file chapter is intended to show how the data from the EDS file are to be interpreted and how the corresponding values for the configuration of the slave are to be manually extracted from the EDS file.
Commissioning: Insertion of the EL6652-0000
Insert the EL6652 into your EtherCAT system. You can perform the online scan as usual or manually add the terminal.
As soon as you have appended the terminal you must also create the "EtherNet/IP" device in the System Manager. Go onto "I/O devices" and append a further device.
Under "EtherNet/IP" you will find the adapter "EtherNet/IP adapter (EL6652)". Select this.
If you have only one EL6652 in your system, the System Manager links it automatically. You should nevertheless check this (see fig. "Searching for the EL6652 terminal") by going onto the "EtherNet/IP Device" (1), "Adapter" (2) and then finding the terminal in the "Device Name". If that is not the case, go onto "Search" (3) and then select the correct terminal (4).
The MAC address and IP address are not updated in this dialog box. These can be found on the EtherNet/IP box under "Configuration".
Now create a configuration; the master must be configured with an IP address, SubNetMask and optionally with a gateway.
Now click on "Device1 (EL6652)" with the right mouse button and add a "Generic Ethernet/IP adapter". Alternatively you can search for Ethernet/IP devices (Scan Boxes…).
You will now be requested to enter the IP address. After that you can append a "Connection" (the "Message Object" is not currently supported).
The following dialog box appears (see the chapter EDS file for the settings for this).
Now append the variables that you want to use for the cyclic data exchange (these do not have to correspond to the EDS file in terms of type; only the overall length of the data is important here).
Task time
The time with which the EtherNet/IP is to operate is specified with the SyncTask. Two methods are available here:
SyncTask via Mapping – in this case the task is used with which the variables are linked. That is usually the PLC task. However, if the PLC is to be stopped, for example by breakpoints, the task is no longer processed. The consequence of this is that the EtherNet/IP is also no longer triggered and the EtherNet/IP master goes into the error state.
SyncTask via Special Sync Task - in this case an additional task is used that is automatically started with TwinCAT. This runs in its own cycle and is therefore also independent of other tasks that are linked with the variables.
Two steps are necessary for the diagnosis. Firstly the monitoring of the EtherCAT status with "ECatState" (red), which must be equal to "0". Secondly the monitoring of the Ethernet/IP status in the State (green). State = 0x8000 is a configuration error; in this case the I/O connection must be checked. If State = 0x0001 an error has occurred in the Ethernet/IP data exchange. If the value has already been "0", this is usually a watchdog error. This means that the data did not arrive at the Ethernet/IP master within the set watchdog time. The Ethernet/IP cycle time should be increased if this error occurs frequently. If the State is already 0x0001 at the start of communication you should check and read out the "DiagHistory" (tab on the EL6652. See chapter Diagnostic History).