Input data
Index 6000 ENC Inputs
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
6000:0 | ENC Inputs | Maximum subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x1A (26dec) |
6000:01 | Latch C valid | The counter value was latched with the “C” input. The data with index 0x6000:12 match the latched value when the bit is set. To reactivate the latch input, index 0x7000:01 must be cancelled and then reset. | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
6000:03 | Set counter done | The counter was set. | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
6000:0B | Status of input C | Status of input C | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
6000:0E | Sync error | The Sync error bit is only required for DC mode. It indicates whether a synchronization error has occurred during the previous cycle. | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
6000:0F | TxPDO State | The TxPDO state is TRUE in the case of frequency, amplitude or general errors | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
6000:10 | TxPDO Toggle | The TxPDO toggle is toggled by the slave when the data of the associated TxPDO is updated | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
6000:11 | Counter value | Counter value | UINT32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
6000:12 | Latch value | Latch value | UINT32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
6000:13 | Frequency value | Frequency (32-bit value) | INT32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
6000:1A | Frequency value (int16) | Frequency (16-bit value) | INT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
6000:1B | Frequency value (int16) | Frequency (32-bit value) | INT16 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
6000:1C | Frequency value (int16) | Frequency (16-bit value) | INT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
Index 6001 ENC Inputs
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
6001:0 | ENC Inputs | Maximum subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x05 (5dec) |
6001:04 | Frequency error | TRUE: | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
6001:05 | Amplitude error | TRUE: | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
Index 6010 TSC Slave Frame Elements (EL5021-0090 only)
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
6010:0 | TSC Slave Frame Elements | Maximum subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x0A (10dec) |
6010:01 | TSC__Slave Cmd | reserved | UINT8 | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
6010:02 | TSC__Slave ConnID | reserved | UINT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
6010:03 | TSC__Slave CRC_0 | reserved | UINT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
6010:04 | TSC__Slave CRC_1 | reserved | UINT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
6010:05 | TSC__Slave CRC_2 | reserved | UINT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
6010:06 | TSC__Slave CRC_3 | reserved | UINT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
6010:07 | TSC__Slave CRC_4 | reserved | UINT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
6010:08 | TSC__Slave CRC_5 | reserved | UINT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
6010:09 | TSC__Slave CRC_6 | reserved | UINT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
6010:010 | TSC__Slave CRC_7 | reserved | UINT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |