1-channel sin/cos encoder interface terminal, TwinSAFE Single Channel
The EL5021-0090 EtherCAT Terminal is used for the direct connection of a measuring probe or encoder with sinusoidal, differential voltage output 1 VPP. Input frequencies of max. 250 kHz can be evaluated.
The current counter reading can be zeroed (reset) or stored separately via the C track of the encoder, which is also called reference mark. The 5 V supply to the encoder is provided directly via the terminal connection points. The EL5021-0090 features amplitude and frequency error detection of the input signals.
The analog input signal is processed, interpolated and made available as a 32-bit count value. The count value is a combination of the number of whole periods, max. 24 bits, and the value within one sine period, with max. 13 bit resolution.
The EL5021-0090 provides an internal frequency measurement.
It also supports synchronous reading of the encoder value together with other input data in the EtherCAT system via the high-precision EtherCAT distributed clocks (DC).
In addition to the full functionality of the EL5021, the EL5021-0090 supports TwinSAFE SC (Single Channel) technology. This enables the use of standard signals for safety tasks in any networks of fieldbuses.