EL3356-0090 - TwinSAFE SC process data

The EL3356-0090 transmits the following process data to the TwinSAFE logic:

Index (hex)








When activating the TwinSAFE SC slot, the measured value has to be selected as INT32 (Index 0x1A01).

Depending on the TwinCAT 3.1 version, process data can be renamed automatically when linking to the Safety Editor.

The minimum permissible assigned EtherCAT cycle time for the EL3356-0090 is 150 µs.

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Measurement values are not updated during self-calibration

The EL3356-0090 has automatic calibration / self-calibration. This is activated by default and takes effect every three minutes. During self-calibration, the measured values are not updated, they are frozen. This must be taken into account accordingly in the safety application. The automatic can be switched off or controlled.

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Measurement values are not updated during mode change

The EL3356-0090 offers several modes, such as: Eg sample mode. During the mode change, the measurement values are not updated, they are frozen. This must be taken into account accordingly in the safety application.

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TwinSAFE SC Objects

The TwinSAFE SC objects of the EL3356-0090 are listed in chapter Objects TwinSAFE Single Channel (EL3356-0090).