Operating modes

The EL30xx and the EL31xx accordingly supports three different operating modes: Freerun (filter on, timer interrupt), Synchron (filter off, SyncManager interrupt) and DC (DC Sync interrupt)

Operating modes 1:
Relationship of operating modes

The terminal switches between the Freerun (filter on) and Synchron modes by activating/deactivating the filter via the index. The terminal remains in OP mode during this process. The changeover may result in longer sampling times and step changes in the process data until the filters have assumed a steady state.

DC mode can only be used when the filters are switched off. Likewise, it is not possible to switch the filters on in DC mode. The DC mode is parameterized via the DC tab in the TwinCAT System Manager.

The operating modes recommended for the EL30xx are defined via the terminal settings. Setting parameters are:



Analog value of filter (index:0x8000:06 )

Filters can be switched on and parameterized for all channels at the same time via the CoE directory.

FastOp-Mode "CoE" (Index: 0x1C33:01, bit 15)

Deactivation of the processing of the CoE directory results in a higher possible update frequency.

Synchronization mode (index:0x1C33:01, bit 0)

Selection of the basic operating mode: free running or frame triggered.

The EL30xx has no Distributed Clocks mode

Certain analog input and output terminals from Beckhoff feature the so-called fast mode in the filter off mode – by reducing the transmitted channel data via the PDO selection, it was possible to achieve faster analog value processing, since a shorter processing time was required for the retrieval and processing of analog values. This is the case with the EL31xx and EL41xx, for example. The EL30xx does not have this mode.

The operating modes of the EL30xx/EL31xx are:


1 (default)






Filter (Index: 0x8000:06)

On (default.: 50 Hz FIR)


Distributed Clocks mode



Possible with EL30xx







Possible with EL31xx







Default setting for







Synchronization mode (index:0x1C33:01, bit 0+1)

0: FreeRun (default)

0: FreeRun (default)

1: Frame triggered (SM3 inputs)

3: DC mode

FastOp-Mode "CoE" (Index: 0x1C33:01, bit 15)

Off (default)

Off (default)


Off (default)


Off (default)
(FastOP mode n.a. in DC mode)

StartUp entry index 0x1C33:01







Update frequency

depends on filter setting; automatically set inside the terminal

see following values

EtherCAT cycle time, if value does not fall below the lower setting-dependent limit. See following values for typical limit.

Operation with a faster EtherCAT cycle is possible, but in that case the EL30xx no longer supplies new data in each cycle.

EtherCAT cycle time, if value does not fall below the lower setting-dependent limit.

typical data update time (EL30x1)

50 Hz FIR: typical 625 µs

60 Hz FIR: typical 520 µs

IIR: typical 1 ms

< 600 µs

< 500 µs

typ. data update time (EL30x2)

typ. data update time (EL30x4)

typ. data update time (EL30x8)

50 Hz FIR: typ. 1.25 ms

60 Hz FIR: typ. 1 ms

IIR: typ. 1 ms

< 1.1 ms

< 1 ms


If filtering is enabled, the following settings are activated in the EL30xx,
irrespective of other settings
“FreeRun” = on
“FastOp mode” = off.





The notes on the minimum EtherCAT cycle time in DC mode must be observed.

Operating modes 2:

Combinations of filters, FastOp mode and Synchronization mode

Other combination options of filter, FastOp mode and Synchronization mode are expressly not recommended.


The filters of the EL30xx/EL31xx are activated or deactivated via the CoE index 0x8000:15.

Operating modes 3:

The filter characteristics are set via index 0x8000:15

The filter frequencies are set for all channels of the EL30xx/EL31xx terminals centrally via index 0x8000:15 (channel 1). All other corresponding indices 0x80n0:15 have no parameterization function! The latest firmware version (see status table) returns an EtherCAT-compliant error message, if the filter characteristics of other channels (index 0x80n0:06, 0x80n0:15) are set.

Synchronization & FastOp mode

The synchronization and the standard/fast mode are set via a 16-bit StartUp entry on the CoE index 0x1C33:01  in the transition PREOP --> SAFEOP. They can thus be changed only by activation and an EtherCAT restart.

The success of parameter changes on the IO update time can be monitored by checking “TxPDO Toggle”.

Synchronization mode

FreeRun (default)

FrameTriggered SM2: synchronous with SM2 Event


Delete the LSB (least significant bit) in the 16-bit entry index 0x1C33:01

Index 0x1C33:01, bit 0 = 0

e.g. 0x1C33:01 = 0000hex


Set the LSB (least significant bit) in the 16-bit entry index 0x1C33:01

Index 0x1C33:01, bit 0 = 1

e.g. 0x1C33:01 = 0001hex

Don’t forget the entry in the StartUp list!


The sequence of the internal terminal calculations and CoE processing is automatically restarted after a run – operation is free-running.
The IO update frequency is independent of the EtherCAT cycle time.

This mode of operation is necessary in conjunction with filters that require filter-dependent computing times.

The sequence of the internal terminal calculations and CoE processing is started after a run by the next communication event of the SyncManager2 (Inputs), i.e. by the next EtherCAT cycle.
The EL30xx operates in fast mode with the cycle time of the application and returns the current reading in each cycle, as long as the typical data update time does not fall below the minimum value.

If the EL30xx is operated faster,

  • object 0x1C33:0C in the CoE increments.
  • the process data “TxPDO Toggle” no longer toggles in each IO cycle

Filters are not possible in this operating mode.

FastOp mode

Off (default)



Delete the 15th bit in 16-bit entry index 0x1C33:01
Index 0x1C33:01, bit 15 = 0

e.g. 0x1C33:01 = 0000hex

Set the 15th bit in 16-bit entry index 0x1C33:01

Index 0x1C33:01, bit 15 = 1

e. g. 0x1C33:01 = 8000hex


Normal operation of the EL30xx

Support for the online CoE directory is switched off. The calculation and update time for new analog values can thus be shortened.


The SM2 mode is activated by the following entry in the transition P-->S in the StartUp list:

Operating modes 4:
modified StartUp list


FastOp mode and CoE

If the FastOp mode is turned on, the CoE interface is deactivated starting from the slave state SAFEOP. CoE parameterization of the EL30xx is no longer possible during the operating period/online, neither via the control nor via the System Manager. The EL30xx then works with the CoE settings that it had stored last. Therefore, if further CoE settings (e.g. filters or limits) are to be made, these must likewise be entered in the transition P-->S in the StartUp list. The FastOp mode must be deactivated by an entry “00” on the index 0x1C33:01 in the StartUp list – this change is only active after the next EtherCAT restart (wherein the StartUp list is executed).

Operating modes 5:

CoE StartUp list

Entries in the startup list are only executed when the specified change of EtherCAT status is reached, if the configuration *.tsm was activated with the button Enable Configuration, for example (Fig. “Enable Configuration” button)!

Operating modes 6:
“Enable Configuration” button