Scan Motor

The following parameters are determined during the "Scan Motor" operation:

Executing the scan


The motor shaft moves during the scan procedure

Injuries and damage to property are possible.

  • Maintain a safe distance to the motor and the moving mechanism.
  • Ensure that the motor shaft can move freely.
1. Ensure that all other motor parameters are set correctly. See chapter Configuration of the motor and the amplifier.
2. Write the command 0x8007 into the register 0xFB00:01 "Request".
Scan Motor 1:
Motor scan via command object 0xFB00:01, command 0x8007
The scan runs.
The value of register 0xFB00:02 "Status" indicates the progress of the scan. The values 100dec … 199dec correspond to 0 ... 99 %.
3. Wait until register 0xFB00:02 "Status" has one of the following values: 0, 1, 2, 3.
Value 0: the scan has been successfully completed.
Value 3: error. See chapter Error diagnosis.