Diagmessages of module TorqueControl
Further Information
- 2330, Earth leakage (motor-side)
- 2390, Amplifier overload utilization
- 3181, Phase frequency (motor-side) raised above 600 Hz
- 3182, Velocity actual Value raised above the max channel accepted velocity
- 6320, Parameter error in object 0xXX/XX
- 6388, Parameter Torque Control: The value in object 0xXX/XX is higher than the motor peak current (0xXX/XX).
- 6389, Parameter Torque Control: The value in object 0xXX/XX is higher than the configured peak current (0xXX/XX).
- 638F, Parameter Torque Control: The value in Object 0xXX/XX is higher than the Motor maximum voltage slope (0xXX/XX).
- 63AD, Motor torque/ force characteristic is not valid for internal calculation.
- FFFF, Internal Error, Additional Errorcode 0xXX
- 63B6, Parameter Torque Control: Invalid device total output current sum