
FB_EnOceanPTM200 1:

The function block FB_EnOceanPTM200() provides a user-friendly evaluation of the state of an EnOcean PTM200 or PTM250 module. The function block FB_EnOceanReceive() is required for this purpose.

In contrast to the PTM100 module, in the PTM200/250 module two buttons can be pressed simultaneously. In addition, the PTM200/250 module supports four, not eight buttons.

FB_EnOceanPTM200 2:

A new instance of this function block must be created for each button module used.


bEnable               : BOOL := FALSE;
tWatchdog             : TIME;
nTransmitterId        : UDINT;
stEnOceanReceivedData : ST_EnOceanReceivedData;

bEnable: A positive signal at this input activates the block. A negative signal at the input disables the block functionality, and all outputs are set to 0 or FALSE.

tWatchdog: Monitoring time. Within this time, new information must reach this block via the input stEnOceanReceivedData described below. If this time is set to t#0s, the watchdog function is inactive.

nTransmitterId: ID of the EnOcean module, to which the block should respond.

stEnOceanReceivedData: Information and required connection to the EnOcean receive block FB_EnOceanReceive(). This information is stored in a structure (see ST_EnOceanReceivedData).


bSwitches : ARRAY [0..3] OF BOOL;
bError    : BOOL := FALSE;
nErrorId  : UDINT := 0;

bSwitches: This field of 4 Boolean values describes the states of the 4 buttons on the button module.

bError: this output goes TRUE as soon as an error occurs. This error is described via the variable nErrorId.

nErrorId: Describes the error type (see error codes).

The following sample program illustrates the operating principle of this block:

    fbEnOceanReceive  : FB_EnOceanReceive;
    fbEnOceanPTM100_1 : FB_EnOceanPTM200;
    fbEnOceanPTM100_2 : FB_EnOceanPTM200;
    bSwitches1   : ARRAY [0..3] OF BOOL;
    bSwitches2_1 : BOOL;
    bSwitches2_2 : BOOL;
    bSwitches2_3 : BOOL;
    bSwitches2_4 : BOOL;

    bEnable := TRUE,
    stEnOceanInData := stEnOceanInData
    stEnOceanOutData := stEnOceanOutData);
    bEnable := NOT fbEnOceanReceive.bError AND fbEnOceanReceive.bEnable,
    nTransmitterId := 16#000000C6,
    stEnOceanReceivedData := fbEnOceanReceive.stEnOceanReceivedData);
    bSwitches1 := fbEnOceanPTM200_1.bSwitches;
    bEnable := NOT fbEnOceanReceive.bError AND fbEnOceanReceive.bEnable,
    nTransmitterId := 16#000000C7,
    stEnOceanReceivedData := fbEnOceanReceive.stEnOceanReceivedData);
bSwitches2_1 := fbEnOceanPTM200_2.bSwitches[0];
bSwitches2_2 := fbEnOceanPTM200_2.bSwitches[1];
bSwitches2_3 := fbEnOceanPTM200_2.bSwitches[2];
bSwitches2_4 := fbEnOceanPTM200_2.bSwitches[3];

In this example program two transmitter modules (PTM200/PTM250) are queried; one with the transmitter ID 16#C6, another one with the transmitter ID 16#C7. A function block FB_EnOceanPTM200 is created for both transmitter modules. Both function blocks obtain their information from the upstream receive block FB_EnOceanReceive and are only active (input bEnable) if the receive block is active and not in error. The buttons of the first transmitter module are assigned to a Boolean array bSwitches1 for further analysis, while the buttons of the second transmitter module are assigned to individual Boolean variables bSwitches2_1 to bSwitches2_8; both options are conceivable.


Development environment

required TC3 PLC library

TwinCAT v3.1.4020.14

Tc2_EnOcean from v3.3.5.0