Enter the number of the teaching file

Teaching must be enabled in order to enter the number of the teaching file.

Enter the number of the teaching file 1:
Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > SYSTEM > TcCOM Objects
Double click on XtsProcessingUnit
Enter the number of the teaching file 2:

Change teaching file number

Always change the number of the teaching file before commencing with a new teaching. The old file will be used and overwritten if the number of the teaching file is not changed or if the configuration is not loaded.

Beckhoff recommends using the current date for the number of the teaching file. For the first teaching on April 3rd, 2021, for example, the numbers 202104031 could be used and for the second teaching on the same day the numbers 202104032 and so on.

Enter the number of the teaching file 3:
Click the Parameter (Init) tab in the project window
Expand Teaching
Enter the number of the teaching file in the input field TeachingFileNumber

You also have the option of changing the TeachingFileNumber in the XTS Configurator. Further information can be found in chapter Teaching.

Enter the number of the teaching file 4:
Click the ActivateConfiguration button to activate the configuration and load the number of the teaching file