XTS Configuration
The XTS system consists of hardware components and software components that must communicate and function together. To make the system behave as expected, you need to understand the general processes and communication paths between software and hardware.
An XTS system consists of the modules, guide rails and movers as well as some software components running on an IPC.
Communication levels
* | Optional |
The basis for communication is the hardware, consisting of the modules. The modules transmit sensor values to the driver.
The driver uses the sensor values of the modules to determine the position of the movers and transmits the position values of each individual mover to the respective SoftDrive.
The SoftDrive transmits the current position values and velocity values to the NC axes. The NC axes generate motion profiles based on the values received and transmit setpoints for the position and velocity back to the SoftDrive.
The SoftDrive interpolates the values and performs a set/actual value comparison and transmits the current values of the mover resulting from the control structure back to the driver. The driver calculates and transmits the current setpoints to the 15 coils of the modules.
If the NC axes are included in a Collision Avoidance group, the NC axes receive external setpoints back that represent the motion profile of each individual mover.
Motion commands and administrative commands are transferred by the user from the PLC application via libraries directly to the NC axes or the Collision Avoidance group.
The communication of the XTS is based on and takes place via the CANopen communication structure. Additional data is transferred between objects to calculate coil current, commutation, dynamics, and motion profiles.
For more information on the individual objects, please refer to the respective documentation.