Compatibility mode

The compatibility mode allows you to switch from the previous XTS Manager of software versions up to version 3.18.715.0 to the TF5850 | TwinCAT 3 XTS Extension without having to reconfigure the XTS system. The old XTS Manager can still be used with all functions. Old versions of the XTS Utility Library, the XTS Tools as well as the XTS Viewer and the XTS Support Assistant will still work after the update.

Compatibility mode 1:

Please note that while using the compatibility mode, the new functions, such as XTS Track Management and the Leave and Arrive functionality, or some new functions for simulation and visualization are not available. To extend your XTS system and use the new functions, you must convert your current configuration of XTS objects into a new project. Further information can be found in chapter Conversion of old XTS system.

Old configuration

New configuration

Compatibility mode 2:

Compatibility mode 3:

To activate the new XTS software after the change, you only need to reload the XTS TcCOM objects. The old configuration and the XTS system work as usual without adjusting the project. Further information can be found in chapter Reload TcCom objects.

Compatibility mode 4:

During operation, a hidden new configuration is created in the background using the new object structure XTS Parts and XTS Tracks, which is internally linked to the old objects. This configuration can be seen in the Online Objects tab.