Deleting a user

The program rmuser can be used to completely remove user accounts from the system. User accounts can only be deleted by the superuser (root).

These settings are alternatively possible via the web interface of the Beckhoff Device Manager (see: Beckhoff Device Manager: web interface).


Proceed as follows:

1. Enter the command doas rmuser NewUser in the console.
Confirm the command with the administrator's password.
2. The user account is displayed. Check the data before continuing.
Administrator@CX-3B151A:~ % doas rmuser NewUser
Matching password entry:

NewUser:$6$q1X1/ZB/NGu9ulrF$.JYhoCPsGT6hk0GD34oJYWwOKGxY67ka818lpy/0HY.7XvXK69Jd eYOtMkNJNQvqBTTfblYBQ3SZ.MYxChPeQ1:1002:1002::0:0:John Doe,,,555 433423:/home/Ne wUser:/bin/tcsh

Is this the entry you wish to remove? Yes
3. Remove the user account with yes.
Remove user's home directory (/home/NewUser)? Yes
Removing user (NewUser): mailspool home passwd.
Administrator@CX-3B151A:~ %
4. Remove the home directory with yes.
The user account is deleted, along with the home directory. Entries from groups, temporary file storage areas and emails are removed. All processes initiated by the user are terminated.