Beckhoff Device Manager: web interface

With the Beckhoff Device Manager, Beckhoff Industrial PCs can be diagnosed and important system values monitored in order to avoid downtimes. With a sophisticated system diagnostics, it is thus possible to detect critical conditions at an early stage, such as an impending heat collapse due to the failure of a fan or insufficient cooling in the control cabinet. The Beckhoff Device Manager is only available for Beckhoff Industrial PCs, since it requires a customized BIOS.

Both remote access from another PC and access from a PLC to the Beckhoff Device Manager are supported. This allows the Device Manager to be configured easily and intuitively.

Web interface

The web interface can be accessed via a standard web browser. To do this, enter the IP address or the host name of the industrial PC in the search bar.

Beckhoff Device Manager: web interface 1:
Start page of the Beckhoff Device Manager.

On the start page of the Beckhoff Device Manager you can either start the Device Manager or the TwinCAT/BSD web console. The web console gives you access to the TwinCAT/BSD console, allowing you to operate the industrial PC without a monitor.

Access to the web interface is protected by the login data and the default password of the administrator. You should change this password to prevent unauthorized access to the system. Access data on delivery:

The host PC and the industrial PC must be in the same network and the firewall must allow access via port 443 (HTTPS). Port 443 is enabled ex works. Depending on the structure and configuration of your network (proxy server, etc.), the host name may not be resolved. We therefore recommend using the IP address of the industrial PC.

Device Manager: First page

The Beckhoff Device Manager is started after login. The first page provides a basic overview of the device. From here you can directly access the hardware, software, TwinCAT and security sections. This allows you to check the hardware and software in a targeted manner.

Beckhoff Device Manager: web interface 2:
First page of the Beckhoff Device Manager.

From the home page, navigate further in the menu to configure the industrial PC. Note that modifications only become active once they have been confirmed. It may be necessary to restart the industrial PC.

Setting options

The following information and settings are available for TwinCAT/BSD: