Create or delete ADS routes manually

This step describes how you can manually create or delete an ADS route directly from TwinCAT/BSD. To configure ADS routes from TwinCAT/BSD, the tool ads can be used. The command ads displays all available parameters. Already existing ADS routes are listed in the file StaticRoutes.xml.

These settings are alternatively possible via the web interface of the Beckhoff Device Manager (see: Beckhoff Device Manager: web interface).

Proceed as follows:

1. Create the ADS route according to the following pattern:
[<target[:port]>] [OPTIONS...] <command> [CMD_OPTIONS...] [<command_parameter>...]
2. At <target>, use the host name, IP address, or Ams Net Id of the target system to create a new ADS route.
3. For <command> use the command addroute and the following options:
--addr=<hostname> or IP address of the routes destination
--netid=<AmsNetId> of the routes destination
--password=<password> for the user on the remote TwinCAT system
--username=<user> on the remote TwinCAT system (optional, defaults to Administrator)
--routename=<name> of the new route on the remote TwinCAT system (optional, defaults to --addr)
4. Enter the command ads addroute --addr= --netid= --password=1 --routename in the console.
Create new ADS routes according to the pattern shown or delete the unneeded ADS routes in the file StaticRoutes.xml under the entries <Route>.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<TcConfig xmlns:xsi="">