From product version: TwinCAT PLC Library IEC60870-5-104 controlling station v1.0.0 and higher.
ASDU object configuration parameters. These parameters are set during configuration of the data points ( F_iecInitAOEntry or F_iecAddTableEntry ) and should not be written directly from the PLC application.
TYPE ST_IEC870_5_101AOCfg:
group : DWORD := IEC870_GRP_INROGEN;
multiplier : BYTE := 0;
opt : BYTE := 0;
ioMapType : E_IEC870_5_101IOMappingType := MAP_AREA_NONE;
byteOffs : DWORD := 0;
bitOffs : DWORD := 0;
hUser : DWORD := 0;
ext : DWORD := 0;
group: Object group configuration flags. A description of all group flags can be found here. The flags can be combined with an OR operation. Not all combinations are meaningful!
multiplier: Basic cycle time multiplier for cyclic/periodic data transfer. 0 = deactivated. The basic cycle time can be configured via the tPerCyclicBase parameter in the system parameters.
opt: Reserved.
ioMapType: TwinCAT PLC process data area. This parameter defines the mapping for the TwinCAT PLC and IEC application object process data.
byteOffs: TwinCAT PLC process data byte offset.
bitOffs: TwinCAT PLC process data bit offset.
hUser: User handle. Freely definable 32-bit value.
ext: Reserved.
Development Environment | Target System | PLC Libraries to include |
TwinCAT v2.10.0 Build >= 1301 | PC or CX (x86, ARM) | TcIEC870_5_101.Lib |