The global variable list contains general parameters to initialize objects.
{attribute 'qualified_only'}
{attribute 'strict'}
fAP : REAL := 1013.25;
nDefTimeDelay_ToAbnormal : UDINT := 1;
nDefTimeDelay_ToNormal : UDINT := 1;
fDefCOVIncrement : REAL := 0.1;
fDefLimitDeadband : REAL := 0.0;
nLoop_DefOpMode : E_BA_PIDMode := E_BA_PIDMode.eP1ID;
stTrend_DefStartTime : ST_BA_DateTime := ();
stTrend_DefStopTime : ST_BA_DateTime := ();
nTrend_BufferSize : UDINT:= 500;
bTrend_DefLogEnable : BOOL := FALSE;
bTrend_DefStopOnFull : BOOL := FALSE;
nTrend_DefLogInterval : UDINT := 90;
nTrend_DefNotificationThreshold : UDINT := 50;
eTrend_DefLoggingType : E_BA_LoggingType := E_BA_LoggingType.ePolled;
bBlink : BOOL;
bDlyStartPLC : BOOL := TRUE;
Name | Type | Description |
fAP | REAL | Global constant Hydrostatic air pressure. The mean air pressure of the earth's atmosphere at sea level is 1013.25 hPa. |
nDefTimeDelay_ToAbnormal | UDINT | Default value for the parameter Time delay of transitions to abnormal states. |
nDefTimeDelay_ToNormal | UDINT | Default value for the parameter Time delay of transitions to normal states. |
fDefCOVIncrement | REAL | Default value for the COV increment parameter. |
fDefLimitDeadband | REAL | Default value for the Dead band limit parameter. |
nLoop_DefOpMode | Default value for the Operation mode parameter. | |
stTrend_DefStartTime | Default value for the Start time parameter. | |
stTrend_DefStopTime | Default value for the Stop time parameter. | |
nTrend_BufferSize | UDINT | Number of entries in a trend buffer. |
bTrend_DefLogEnable | BOOL | Enabling trend logging. |
bTrend_DefStopOnFull | BOOL | FALSE, Ring buffer; TRUE, Fixed memory that does not store anything when the buffer is full. |
nTrend_DefLogInterval | UDINT | Default value for the Logging interval parameter. |
nTrend_DefNotificationThreshold | UDINT | Default value for the Notification threshold parameter. |
eTrend_DefLoggingType | Default value for the Logging type parameter. |
Name | Type | Description |
bBlink | BOOL | Global blink pulse. The blink pulse is generated in the template FB_BA_ControlCabinetBasic. |
bDlyStartPLC | BOOL | The variable is set to TRUE delayed after a restart of the PLC. In the template FB_BA_Device this delay is implemented by the timing element tonDlyStartPLC. |