Server extension
The NuGet package Beckhoff.TwinCAT.HMI.Vision (TwinCAT package ‘TwinCAT.HMI.Vision’) contains the HMI server extension TcHmiVision
, which can be used to display images from the PLC in the TwinCAT HMI. For this purpose, all ADS symbols of the type ITcVnDisplayableImage from the configured runtimes are listed and can be linked in various formats with an HMI symbol. See System requirements for the required .NET version.
Once the package has been successfully integrated into the HMI project, enter the target PLC under Server > TcHmiVision > General:
Under Server > TcHmiVision > Diagnostics, you can obtain information on the connection status of the configured target system:
- 1. Navigate to an HMI view and add an Image control.
- 2. Open the properties of the control element and click on Create data binding… under the parameter Src…
- 3. Link the Src parameter of the Image control to the corresponding image symbol at the following location: Server symbols > TcHmiVision > PLC > MAIN > ipImage > <image format>
Linking images Linking images is only possible if the process image of the configured target system contains corresponding image variables. |
Interval The speed at which images can be retrieved from the PLC depends on the system, image size, and workload. We therefore recommend specifying a fixed interval in the Binding dialog at Settings to prevent the system from being overloaded. If several images are to be displayed on one page, it is also recommended to use different intervals, e.g. 200 ms and 201 ms. This way, the images are retrieved separately from each other, which can be advantageous for larger amounts of data. |
Transmission formats
The server extension contains the image data from the PLC in BMP format and forwards them as a Base64 string to the TwinCAT HMI client. In order to reduce the data quantity transmitted to a client, images can be compressed in the server extension. The following image formats are available:
- BMP: uncompressed
- JPEG: lossy compressed, good for natural images
- PNG: compressed (lossless), good for artificially created images
- Stream: for continuous image streams (e.g. live camera picture, not recommended!)
For transmission as a stream the HMI server must be started as administrator. Otherwise no image transmission is possible. |