Initializing a function block

Following the configuration of a Vision device and the creation of a PLC program, the Vision device must now be linked with appropriate camera variables in the PLC.

The instance fbCamera of the function block FB_VN_SimpleCameraControl from the PLC program must be linked with the image provider of the Vision device. Please note:

1. Build the PLC program by right-clicking the PLC project and selecting Build. Make sure that no errors occur when doing this. If this is the case, the Symbol Initialization tab appears in the PLC instance and the fbCamera instance below it.
Initializing a function block 1:
2. Double-click the instance of the PLC project and open the Symbol Initialization tab.
3. Assign the Image Provider of your Vision device to the symbol MAIN.fbCamera.oidITcVnImageProvider via the drop-down in the Value column. This is shown for a camera object in the image, but it works in exactly the same way for File Source objects.
Initializing a function block 2:

Next step

Activate TwinCAT project and start PLC project