Displaying a Vision node and creating an application

There is a Vision node within the TwinCAT project for the Vision configuration.

1. If the Vision node is not displayed in the TwinCAT project, right-click on the TwinCAT project in the Solution Explorer >Show Hidden Configurations > Show VISION Configuration.
Displaying a Vision node and creating an application 1:
The Vision node is now visible.
Displaying a Vision node and creating an application 2:
2. Within the Vision node, folders (also referred to as applications) are used to group the image processing devices.
Right-click on Vision Node > Add New Item.
Displaying a Vision node and creating an application 3:
3. Select a name and confirm with OK.
Displaying a Vision node and creating an application 4:
The folder is created
Displaying a Vision node and creating an application 5:

In addition, you can find further information here:

Next step

In the next step, a Vision device is created which can be used to load images into the PLC. This can be either a real GigE Vision camera or a File Source Control for loading existing image files:

Creating a GigE Vision camera or Creating a File Source Control