TwinCAT system does not start
If the TwinCAT system cannot be started, the following message frequently appears. On the basis of the error code with the red border, instructions for rectifying the problem can be given. Further below you will find information on the usual error codes with TwinCAT Vision applications.
![TwinCAT system does not start 1:](Images/png/9007207456721803__Web.png)
Invalid Object ID
Error message | ADS ERROR: invalid object id |
Solution 1 | No task linked
Solution 2 | Network adapter invalid The network adapter was not adapted, e.g. following a system change. Adapt the network adapter to the current target system. In the respective network adapter, open the Adapter tab and select a new compatible adapter with Search… |
Solution 3 | Network adapter deleted The network adapter was deleted, for example, on the assumption that it is not required for the simulation of the camera. However, each camera object always requires a network adapter; if necessary it can be deactivated but not deleted. Create a new network adapter with an IpStack and link the IpStack on the Interface Pointer tab of the acquisition object of the camera. |
Further information on the linking of Vision TcCOM objects can be found in the corresponding chapters for the camera and the File Source.
General ADS Error
Error message | ADS ERROR: General ADS Error |
Solution 1 | More cameras than configured The default setting of the network adapter allows up to 2 cameras to be operated simultaneously. If you wish to operate more cameras on the same adapter, increase the Init parameters |