Camera communication
In case of problems with the connection, especially with sent or received frames, as well as problems with the parameterization or missing images, you will find the following diagnostic information in the network adapter and under the Image Acquisition Module of the camera object.
Diagnostic options in the RT Ethernet adapter
- 1. First select the RT Ethernet adapter used for the respective camera communication.
- 2. Open it by double-clicking and go to the Statistics tab.
- Here you can see whether frames are generally sent and received or whether errors occur. Furthermore you can read the utilization of the connection in percent at Recv Utilization. A very high utilization of more than 98% already indicates an overload, especially if several cameras are operated on one adapter.
Further diagnostic information can be found in the IpStack.
- 1. To do this, first open the underlying IpStack by double-clicking on it.
- 2. Go to the Parameter (Online) tab.
- Here you can see the counter values for the individual categories.
Diagnostic options in the Image Acquisition modules
- 1. First select the respective camera object.
- 2. Open the Parameters (online) tab under the Gvcp module.
- Here you get the information about the Control Protocol communication. This includes e.g. the heartbeat, reading and writing of registers and commands like Start Acquisition.
If everything is OK, only the two nSuccess values should count up. If timeouts occur, refer to this chapter Timeouts for remedies. For other problems a deeper diagnosis with Wireshark is necessary.
The diagnostic information for the Streaming Protocol can be found under the Gvsp module on the Parameter (online) tab. These counters refer purely to the transmitted image data and are divided into the individual telegrams/packages and complete images/blocks.
If everything is Ok, only the nSuccess and the nCompletedBlocks value should count up.
The nResendRequests already indicate problems, but in this case they could still be answered, because all other counters are still zero. In case of a timeout, the BlockTimeout should be increased in the Configuration Assistant under the GVSP Module settings. Counting up the nBlockIdOverflows is normal and does not represent an error. The counter will eventually overflow due to the value range or will be reset when the camera is restarted.
![Camera communication 6:](Images/png/9007210383650187__Web.png)