
The Initialization Commands tab consists of 3 areas, which are described individually below:

Configuration 1:

Filter and controls

Configuration 2:

Filter elements

With the help of filter elements, features can be found quickly and easily in the configuration tree and in the Initialization Commands list:


The left group of buttons provides the basic functionality and is always active. The functions from left to right are:



Create and test the selected Initialization Commands

The Initialization Commands are created with the current values of the configuration list.

The parameters are also written to the camera and read back for testing.

Delete changes and Initialization Commands

The Initialization Commands created and stored in the TcCOM object are deleted. This also applies to all other changes that have been made to the list.

This resets the entire list to its initial state.

Select all features of the CameraRegister category

All entries below the Camera Register category are selected.

Deselect all features of the CameraRegister category

All entries below the Camera Register category are deselected.

The right group of buttons provides special functionality that is only active for the entries under the Camera Register node. The functions from left to right are:



Move element up

The selected element is moved up one list position.

Move element down

The selected element is moved down one list position.

Copy element

A copy of the selected element is created. The set value is also copied.

The value of the copied entry cannot be changed later.

Remove copied element

Removes a previously copied element.

Rename copied element

Opens a window to rename the copied item.

Configuration list

The configuration list contains three main groups:

When selecting or deselecting one of the groups or changing a setting below the groups, the Initialization Commands must be recreated. When using UserSets, the Initialization Commands contain the necessary UserSet commands instead of the parameters. The UserSet and CameraRegister options are mutually exclusive.

Camera Features Information

Three pieces of information about the Camera Features are displayed above the configuration list:

Configuration 6:
Configuration 7:

Selector Feature

If Iterate Selectors automatically is active in the settings, there is a separate group for each value of a Selector feature. Within this group, all registers that are dependent on the selector value and are writable are displayed. Therefore, the group and register names can occur more than once, in which case the values or register addresses differ. If the setting is not active, there is only one entry per selector.

Properties window

The Properties window displays the following information about the selected feature:

Configuration 8:




Name of the parameter.


Local value of the parameter. If the local value differs from the Initialization Commands value created, the feature is displayed in orange.


Hexadecimal address of the parameter on the camera.


Size of the parameter in bytes.


Register value of the parameter.


Feature display name.


Meaning of the parameter.


Information whether the value is different (orange), the feature is added (green) or removed (black, strikethrough).