Protocol parameters of the link layer. The meaning of the parameters differs, depending on the protocol or station type.
TYPE ST_IEC870_5_101ProtocolParams :
eType : E_IEC870_DEVICE_TYPE := eIEC870_101_SLAVE;
eLinkReset : E_IEC870_5_101LinkReset := eIEC870_LinkReset_CU;
linkAddr : DWORD := 1;
eLinkAddrSize : E_IEC870_5_101LinkAddrSize := eIEC870_LinkAddr_TwoOctets;
eLinkMode : E_IEC870_5_101LinkMode := eIEC870_LinkMode_Unbalanced;
eFrameType : E_IEC870_5_101FrameType := eIEC870_FrameType_FT1_2;
tRxTimeout : TIME := T#5s;
tTxTimeout : TIME := T#5s;
bForceC1Res : BOOL := TRUE;
bForceC2Res : BOOL := TRUE;
tClass1Poll : TIME := T#200ms;
tClass2Poll : TIME := T#200ms;
nRetries : BYTE := 3;
tRetry : TIME := T#100ms;
tResponse : TIME := T#1s;
tTestLink : TIME := T#5s;
tPollDFC : TIME := T#1s;
FRAMELength : BYTE(MIN_IEC870_5_101Link_FRAMELEN..MAX_IEC870_5_101Link_FRAMELEN) := MAX_IEC870_5_101Link_FRAMELEN;
bRetainBuffer : BOOL := FALSE;
tMaxPollDelay : TIME := T#0s;
tLinkPollCycle: TIME := T#10s;
The table below contains notes regarding the configuration. It the values are fixed, the parameter must match the value from the table (not configurable).
- X The parameter is used and is configurable;
- N/A The parameter is not used and is not configurable;
Parameter name | Initialization value | IEC 60870-5-101 | IEC 60870-5-101 | IEC 60870-5-103 | IEC 60870-5-102 | Description
eIEC870_101_SLAVE | fixed, | fixed, | fixed, | fixed, | Configures the protocol and station type. | |
eIEC870_LinkReset_CU | N/A | X | X | fixed, | Reset type during initialization of the link layer. | |
linkAddr | 1 | Own address | Address of the remote device | Address of the remote device | Address of the remote device | Connection address. |
eIEC870_LinkAddr_TwoOctets | X | X | X | X | Octet size of the connection address. | |
eIEC870_LinkMode_Unbalanced | fixed, eIEC870_LinkMode_Unbalanced | fixed, eIEC870_LinkMode_Unbalanced | fixed, eIEC870_LinkMode_Unbalanced | fixed, eIEC870_LinkMode_Unbalanced | Connection mode (balanced/unbalanced). | |
eIEC870_FrameType_FT1_2 | fixed, | fixed, | fixed, | fixed,
| Telegram frame format. Currently only the format F1.2 is supported. | |
tRxTimeout | T#5s | X | X | X | X | Max. frame receive timeout time. |
tTxTimeout | T#5s | X | X | X | X | Max. frame send timeout time. |
bForceC1Res | TRUE | X | N/A | N/A | N/A | If this parameter is set (TRUE), Class 1 data are sent as response to a Class 2 request, if Class 1 data are available (optimized, higher data throughput for Class 1).
If this parameter is not set (FALSE), a negative response is sent to a Class 2 request, if Class 1 data are present (lower data throughput, empty telegrams). |
bForceC2Res | TRUE | X | N/A | N/A | N/A | If this parameter is set (TRUE), Class 2 data are sent as response to a Class 2 request, even if Class 1 data are available (optimized, higher data throughput for Class 2).
If this parameter is not set (FALSE), a negative response is sent to a Class 2 request, if Class 1 data are present (lower data throughput, empty telegrams) |
tClass1Poll | T#200ms | N/A | X | X | X | Cycle time in which the Class 1 data are to be queried (unbalanced mode only). |
tClass2Poll | T#200ms | N/A | X | X | X | Cycle time in which the Class 2 data are to be queried (unbalanced mode only). |
nRetries | 3 | Not used up to v3.0.6 (error on first disturbed frame), | X | X | X | Maximum number of telegram retries when the data exchange fails. |
tRetry | T#100ms | N/A | X | X | X | Delay time for telegram retries when the data exchange fails. |
tResponse | T#1s | N/A | X | X | X | This parameter determines the maximum delay time for a telegram acknowledgement. If this time is exceeded, the telegram is repeated up to nRetry times. |
tTestLink | T#5s | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Cycle time in which the test telegrams are to be sent (balanced mode only) |
tPollDFC | T#1s | N/A | X | X | X | Cycle time in which the connection status is to be queried, if the DFC bit is set. The DFC bit is set by the remote device if further telegrams could cause an overflow. |
FRAMELength | MAX_IEC870_5_101Link_FRAMELEN | X | X | X | X | Telegram length, max. length L. |
bRetainBuffer | FALSE | from product version v3.0.2 or higher | X | X | X | If this parameter is set, the internal TX/RX buffers are not reset (deleted) on initialization of the link layer. |
tMaxPollDelay | T#0s ( = 0: deactivated, <> 0: active) | from product version v3.0.2 or higher | N/A | N/A | N/A | The connection status is declared OFFLINE, when this time is exceeded in the absence of poll queries. |
tLinkPollCycle | T#10s | N/A | X | X | X | Cycle time in which link status telegrams are sent to the substation if there is no connection. |
Additional information for bForceC1Res and bForceC2Res parameters:
Irrespective whether you set both parameters, one of them or none of them, the ACD bit is set accordingly in order to notify the control station whether Class 1 or Class 2 data should be queried next. These parameters only influence the behavior of the substation for Class 2 interrogations.
Development environment |
Target system type |
PLC libraries to be linked (category group) |
TwinCAT v3.1.4012.0 |
PC oder CX (x86, x64, ARM) |
Tc2_IEC60870_5_10x (Communication->IEC60870) |