IEC60870-5-101 protocol parameters
The behavior of the central station can be adapted to the requirements of the substation via the IEC60870-5-101 protocol parameters. Most parameters have preallocated default values that do not have to be changed.
In our sample we configure the connection address, the octet length of the connection address and the cycle time in which the Class 1 and Class 2 data should be polled.
IF init THEN
init := FALSE;
(*Configure protocol parameter *)
client.protPara.linkAddr := 220;(* link address of remote slave *)
client.protPara.eLinkAddrSize := eIEC870_LinkAddr_TwoOctets; (* link addres octet size *)
client.protPara.tClass1Poll := T#0ms; (* poll class 1 data with max. speed *)
client.protPara.tClass2Poll := T#0ms; (* poll class 2 data with max. speed *)
client( pInputs := ADR( inputs ),
cbInputs := SIZEOF( inputs ),
pOutputs := ADR( outputs ),
The documentation for all transfer protocol parameters can be found here: ST_IEC870_5_101PotocolParams.