MC_AxRtSetDirectOutput_BkPlcMc (from V3.0)
The function block issues a control value, regardless of a profile generation.
Enable: BOOL;
OutValue: LREAL;
RampTime: LREAL;
Name | Type | Description |
Enable | BOOL | TRUE at this input activates the output. |
OutValue | LREAL | The control value to be output should be transferred here. |
RampTime | LREAL | [s] Here, the time should be specified in which the control value would reach full scale. |
Axis: Axis_Ref_BkPlcMc;
Name | Type | Description |
Axis | Axis_Ref_BkPlcMc | Here, the address of a variable of type Axis_Ref_BkPlcMc should be transferred. |
Busy: BOOL;
CommandAborted: BOOL;
Error: BOOL;
Name | Type | Description |
Busy | BOOL | Indicates that a command is being processed. |
CommandAborted | BOOL | This indicates abortion of the function. |
Error | BOOL | The occurrence of an error is indicated here. |
ErrorID | UDINT | An encoded indication of the cause of the error is provided here. |
Behavior of the function block
A rising edge at Enable activates the function. The axis is put into states McState_Continousmotion and iTcHydStateExtGenerated and Busy becomes TRUE. The control value of the axis is updated with OutValue. The rate of change is specified through RampTime.
If Enable is set to FALSE, the control value is brought to 0.0 using RampTime, and the function is terminated. Only then does Busy become FALSE.
If another function block takes over control of the axis while the MC_AxRtSetDirectOutput_BkPlcMc is active, the function block terminates its function and indicates CommandAborted.