The function block is used to reference an incremental position measuring system. An actual value setting is carried out internally via the referencing pulse.
Execute: BOOL;
Direction: MC_Direction_BkPlcMc;
Velocity: LREAL;
Acceleration: LREAL;
Deceleration: LREAL;
Jerk: LREAL;
SetPosition: LREAL;
TorqueLimit: LREAL;
TimeLimit: TIME;
DistanceLimit: LREAL;
BufferMode: MC_BufferMode_BkPlcMc:=Aborting_BkPlcMc;
Name | Type | Description |
Execute | BOOL | The homing is initiated by a rising edge at this input. |
Direction | MC_Direction_BkPlcMc | The direction is specified via MC_Direction_BkPlcMc. |
Velocity | LREAL | [mm/s] The required motion velocity in actual value units of the axis per second. |
Acceleration | LREAL | [mm/s2] The required acceleration in actual value units of the axis per square second. If this parameter is 0.0, it is replaced by a default value from the axis parameters. |
Deceleration | LREAL | [mm/s2] The required deceleration in actual value units of the axis per square second. If this parameter is 0.0, it is replaced by a default value from the axis parameters. |
Jerk | LREAL | [mm/s3] The required jerk in actual value units of the axis per square second. If this parameter is 0.0, it is replaced by a default value from the axis parameters. |
SetPosition | LREAL | Required position on the referencing cam. |
TorqueLimit | LREAL | reserved |
TimeLimit | TIME | After this time, the referencing is canceled with error. At zero, time monitoring is disabled. |
DistanceLimit | LREAL | After this distance, the referencing will be aborted with an error. At zero, the distance monitoring is disabled. |
BufferMode | MC_BufferMode_BkPlcMc | reserved |
Axis: Axis_Ref_BkPlcMc;
Name | Type | Description |
Axis | Axis_Ref_BkPlcMc | Here, the address of a variable of type Axis_Ref_BkPlcMc should be transferred. |
Done: BOOL;
Busy: BOOL;
Active: BOOL;
CommandAborted: BOOL;
Error: BOOL;
Name | Type | Description |
Done | BOOL | Successful processing is indicated here |
Busy | BOOL | Indicates that a command is being processed. |
Active | BOOL | Readiness for operation is indicated here. |
CommandAborted | BOOL | Here an abort of the command is indicated. |
Error | BOOL | The occurrence of an error is indicated here. |
ErrorID | UDINT | An encoded error message is provided here. |
Behavior of the function block
On a rising edge at Execute the parameters Direction, Velocity, Acceleration and Deceleration are transferred to the MC_StepReferencePulseDetection_BkPlcMc function block. If the internal function block MC_StepReferencePulseDetection_BkPlcMc is processed successfully, the determined position is set accordingly via MC_SetPosition_BkPlcMc.
During processing, the function block reports Busy and Active. After successful position setting, Done is reported back. If a subordinate function block reports an error, this is reported via Error and ErrorID.