Configure an MC Group

Basically, the configuration described here is valid for all Motion Objects in the Advanced Motion Pack.

1. Add new “NC/PTP NCI Configuration” in the Motion section.
Configure an MC Group 1:


Configure an MC Group 2:


2. Add all axes to the NC-Configuration.
Configure an MC Group 3:


Configure an MC Group 4:
3. Add the appropriate Group to the entry “Objects” in the NC-Configuration:
For Coordinated Motion, multi-dimensional movements: MC Group Coordinated Motion or MC Group with Pick-and-Place.
Configure an MC Group 5:


Configure an MC Group 6:


Configure an MC Group 7:


4. Check the Tasks in the Group.
Context ID 0 has to be set to “NC-Task 1 SAF”.
Context ID 1 has to be set to “NC-Task 1 SVB”.


Configure an MC Group 8:


5. Configure the group parameters according to the desired application.
For more explanations referring to the group parameters see the following sections.
6. To address the group from the PLC a cyclic interface has to be declared and linked to the IO of the group (see PLC Library Tc3_McCoordinatedMotion). To address and enable the axes the library “Tc2_Mc2” has to be added to the project.
A new “NC/PTP NCI Configuration” has been established.
    stGroupRef : AXES_GROUP_REF;
Configure an MC Group 9:


Configure an MC Group 10: