
The structure is divided into general data and group-specific data.


GroupOID: TcCOM object ID (OID) of this group.

GroupType: Type of this group: 0 = Invalid (mcGroupTypeInvalid), 1 = Collision avoidance (mcGroupTypeCA), 2 = DXD/CNC (mcGroupTypeDxd).

GroupStatus: Contains information about the group status (see GroupStatus).

GroupErrorId: Identification of current error (0 = no error).

GroupAxesCount: Number of axes currently belonging to this group (e.g. added via MC_AddAxisToGroup).


State: See Group State Diagram.

1 = Disabled (mcGroupStateDisabled)
2 = Standby (mcGroupStateStandby)
3 = Moving (mcGroupStateMoving)
4 = Stopping (mcGroupStateStopping)
5 = Error Stop (mcGroupStateErrorStop)
6 = Homing (mcGroupStateHoming)
7 = Not Ready (mcGroupStateNotReady)
8 = Suspended (mcGroupStateSuspended)

Flags: Additional optional status information.

IsEnableRequested: Defines whether an activation or deactivation of a group is requested.

Dxd (multi-dimensional movement)

PathVelo: Velocity on the path without direction.

InvokeId: Segment ID for analysis purposes.

CM (MC Group Coordinated Motion)

available from V3.1.10.1

PathVelo: Absolute value of the Cartesian velocity on the path.

InvokeId: Segment ID for analysis purposes.

IsInBlendingSegment: Indicates whether a blendig segment is active.

RemainingTimeActiveJob: Remaining time of the current segment.

RemainingCartesianDistanceActiveJob: Remaining distance for the current segment.

ActiveBlockerId: Id of the active blocker.

available from V3.1.10.30

RemainingTimeToSync: Remaining time until the axis group is synchronized with the conveyor belt during conveyor tracking.

RemainingCartesianDistanceToSync: Remaining distance until the axis group is synchronized with the conveyor belt during conveyor tracking.