This function block allows to move the robot from a user-supplied teach pendant in manual mode only.
- The robot can be moved in speed or in position mode depending on the value of the JogStep input parameter.
- Several axes can be moved simultaneously when their dedicated input are set.
- The robot speed still depends on the override value.
- If JogMode input is Frame(2) or Tool(3) the robot will move along Frame and Tool coordinate systems selected by Staeubli_Robot.Command.CoordSystemCmd and Staeubli_Robot.Command.ToolCmd
- If you set JogStep value to 0 and JogValue_xx to 50% and the override value is 10%, the selected axes will move with 5% of the nominal speed.
- If you set JogStep value to 3 and JogValue_xx to 50%, the selected axes will move:
- 1.5 degrees or millimeters when JogMode is Joint (1).
- 1.5 millimeters in direction X,Y,Z when JogMode is Frame(2) or Tool(3).
- 1.5 degrees in direction RX,RY,RZ when JogMode is Frame(2) or Tool(3).
This function is effective only when Stäubli Teach Pendant is removed and replaced by the delivered dummy plug. |
Enable : BOOL := FALSE;
JogMode : UINT := 0;
JogStep : REAL := 0;
JogValue1 : INT := 0;
JogValue2 : INT := 0;
JogValue3 : INT := 0;
JogValue4 : INT := 0;
JogValue5 : INT := 0;
JogValue6 : INT := 0;
Busy : BOOL := FALSE;
Error : BOOL := FALSE;
ErrorID : UDINT := 0;
AxesGroup : T_StaeubliRobot;
Name | Type | Description |
Enable | BOOL | True= content of the function block is executed |
JogMode | UINT | Select jog mode. 1=Joint ; 2=Frame ; 3=Tool |
JogStep | REAL | When this value is non zero, the robot is jogged in step mode. When a jogValue is set, the robot moves until the specified distance is reached. The JogValue shall be reset and set again to trigger the next movement with the specified distance. |
JogValue1 | INT | Commanded speed for Axis1 / X direction [-100%..100%] |
JogValue2 | INT | Commanded speed for Axis2 / Y direction [-100%..100%] |
JogValue3 | INT | Commanded speed for Axis3 / Z direction [-100%..100%] |
JogValue4 | INT | Commanded speed for Axis4 / RX direction [-100%..100%] |
JogValue5 | INT | Commanded speed for Axis5 / RY direction [-100%..100%] |
JogValue6 | INT | Commanded speed for Axis6 / RZ direction [-100%..100%] |
Name | Type | Description |
Busy | BOOL | A valid jog command is sent to the robot |
Error | BOOL | This output is set when function block has terminated with error |
ErrorID | UDINT | Error code |