"Interpreter" tab

"Interpreter" tab 1:


The interpreter type can be selected in the Type selection box. Available are

As default setting the GST-interpreter is set. To employ the NC-interpreter with register function extensions you have to select it explicitly.

Loading Buffer Size

The loading buffer for the interpreter can be edited here. Note that the memory required in the interpreter is substantially greater than the size of the NC-file. The maximum permitted loading buffer size is limited to 64 MB.

"Interpreter" tab 2:

Changing the Loading Buffer Size

If the size of the loading buffer is changed, it is absolutely necessary to execute a TwinCAT restart.

G70/G71 Factor

If a switch from G71 (millimeters - default) to G70 takes place in the parts program, the conversion factor is stored here. This conversion factor only has to be edited if the base reference system is not millimeters.

If for example the machine was calibrated based on inches and G70 is activated in the parts program, the G70 factor should be set to 1 and the G71 factor should be set to 1/25.4.


At runtime the Save function can be used to save a “snapshot” of the current parameters. The checkboxes can be used to specify the parameters to be saved. The Save function generates the file ‘SnapShot.bin’ in the TwinCAT\CNC directory.

The Restore function loads the file saved with the Save function. This function is solely intended for debugging purposes.