The main task of the Init block is to initialize and connect the ADS client to the ADS router. After successful initialization, LabVIEW™ receives a handle back to the ADS client. For this purpose the Init block uses the low-level Init blocks in the background.
In addition to its main task, the Init block performs the following other tasks:
- Creates a list of ADS target systems based on the input XMLDescription.
- Checks each individual target system for a valid TF3710 TwinCAT 3 Interface for LabVIEW™ license.
- Creates a list of target systems on which a valid TF3710 TwinCAT 3 Interface for LabVIEW™ could be retrieved. Reading and writing is only possible on target systems with a valid license.
- Creates a sorted list of ADS read symbols based on the input XMLDescription.
- Creates a sorted list of ADS write symbols based on the input XMLDescription.
Input/output | Meaning |
[0] XMLDescription | LabVIEW™ XML string with ADS read and write symbols or the path as a string to an existing, already created (exported) XML file. |
[4] Handle | Handle to the ADS client |
[6] LicenseState | List of license states of the TwinCAT target systems |
[8] ReadGrpSymbols | List of ADS reading symbols |
[10] WriteGrpSymbols | List of ADS writing symbols |
Notice | |
Client Handle The handle to the ADS client in LabVIEW™ is only released if a valid TF3710 TwinCAT 3 Interface for LabVIEW™ license is found on at least one of the selected target systems. If no license could be found, the Init block returns an error via error out [15]. |