
The subfolder Init contains low-level blocks that are necessary for initializing and connecting the ADS client.

Base Init

The Base Init block initializes and establishes a connection between ADS client and ADS router. The block checks the licenses on the target systems after a successful connection. After successful verification the block returns a valid handle to the ADS client.

Init 1:



[0] XML Description

LabVIEW™ XML string with ADS read and write symbols or the path as a string to an existing, already created (exported) XML file.

[4] Handle

Handle to the ADS client

[8] LicenseState

List of license states of the TwinCAT target systems

Get List of Registered Targets

The Get List of Registered Targets block creates a list of ADS target systems which have been selected by the user in Symbol Interface or entered in the directly loaded XML file.

Init 2:



[0] Handle

Handle to the ADS client

[4] Handle

Handle to the ADS client

[6] List of Registered Targets

List of registered target systems

Get List of ReadWrite Symbols

The Get List of ReadWrite Symbols block creates a list of registered ADS read and write symbols, which have been selected by the user in Symbol Interface or entered in the directly loaded XML file.

Init 3:



[0] Handle

Handle to the ADS client

[5] List of Registered Targets

List of registered target systems

[4] Handle

Handle to the ADS client

[8] ReadGrpSymbols

List of ADS reading symbols

[10] WriteGrpSymbols

List of ADS writing symbols