
The Init subfolder contains low-level blocks that are necessary for initializing and connecting the ADS client.

Base Init

The Base Init block initializes and establishes a connection between ADS client and ADS router. The block checks the licenses on the target systems after a successful connection. After successful verification the block returns a valid handle to the ADS client.

Init 1:



[0] XML Description

LabVIEW™ XML string with ADS read and write symbols or the path as a string to an existing, already created (exported) XML file.

[4] Handle

Handle to the ADS client

[8] LicenseState

List of license states of the TwinCAT target systems

AddWrite Symbols

The Add ReadWrite Symbols block adds further symbols to the Client Handle. If new TwinCAT target systems are added, the block checks whether a valid license is available for each of the target systems. The result can be checked via the LicenseState output.

Init 2:



[0][4] Handle

Handle to the ADS client

[5] XMLDescription

LabVIEW™ XML string with symbols to be read or written, or string of the path to an existing XML file

[6] LicenseState

List of license states of the TwinCAT target systems

[7] Add Options

Options for dealing with multiple symbols:

- NoDuplicateDefault: Checks whether a symbol with the same name, symbol name and symbol type already exists. If yes, this symbol is skipped.

- DuplicateDefault: Adds the new symbols to the list without checking for duplicates.

- UpdateDuplicateDefault: Checks whether a symbol with the same name, symbol name and symbol type already exists. If so, this symbol is updated.

- NoDuplicateByName: Checks whether a symbol with the same name already exists. If yes, this symbol is skipped.

- UpdateDuplicateByName: Checks whether a symbol with the same name already exists. If so, this symbol is updated.

- ...

[8] ReadGrpSymbols

List of symbols that are read via ADS

[10] WriteGrpSymbols

List of symbols that are written via ADS

Get List of Registered Targets

The Get List of Registered Targets block creates a list of ADS target systems which have been selected by the user in Symbol Interface or entered in the directly loaded XML file.

Init 3:



[0][4] Handle

Handle to the ADS client

[6] List of Registered Targets

List of registered target systems

Get List of ReadWrite Symbols

The Get List of ReadWrite Symbols block creates a list of registered ADS read and write symbols, which have been selected by the user in Symbol Interface or entered in the directly loaded XML file.

Init 4:



[0][4] Handle

Handle to the ADS client

[5] List of Registered Targets

List of registered target systems

[8] ReadGrpSymbols

List of ADS reading symbols

[10] WriteGrpSymbols

List of ADS writing symbols