
The subfolder TypeResolver contains low-level blocks necessary for converting and comparing between the LabVIEW™ data type and the TC3 data type.

Init Type

The Init Type block initializes the TypeResolver based on SymbolName and Handle. Upon successful initialization, the block passes the handle to the TypeResolver and the TC3 data type of the ADS symbol as a LabVIEW™ string in XML description to the LabVIEW™ process.

TypeResolver 1:



[0] [4] Handle

Handle to the ADS client

[5] [6] SymbolName

Describes an ADS symbol consisting of AMS address and symbol designation:

  • AMS address: A compilation of AMS NetId and AMS port.
  • Symbol designation: Symbol name or index group/offset

Examples of the symbol name:

  • AMS address and symbol name:
  • AMS address and index group/offset:

[8] TypeHdl

Handle to the TypeResolver

[10] Type Size

Data type size in bytes

[14] TypeInfo

Type Description in XML as LabVIEW™ string

Resolve From TC Type

The Resolve From TC Type block compares and converts the raw data from the ADS read to the corresponding LabVIEW™ data type "Variant". The conversion only takes place if the comparison between the two data types was successful.

TypeResolver 2:



[0] [4] Handle

Handle to the ADS client

[6] [7] TypeHdl

Handle to the TypeResolver

[9] ADSRData

ADS data packet as raw data

[8] RDataArray

TypeResolved ADS raw data as Variant array

[10] RData

TypeResolved ADS raw data as Variant

Resolve To TC Type

The Resolve To TC Type block converts the raw data for ADS-Read from a LabVIEW™ data type "Variant" to the appropriate TC3 data type. The conversion only takes place if the comparison between the two data types was successful.

TypeResolver 3:



[0] [4] Handle

Handle to the ADS client

[6] [7] TypeHdl

Handle to the TypeResolver

[9] WData

ADS data packet as raw data

[8] bHasMatched

Flag (True if TC3 and LabVIEW™ data type are identical, otherwise False)

[10] ADSWData

TypeResolved ADS raw data as Variant

Release Type

The Release Type releases the handle to the TypeResolver from memory.

TypeResolver 4:



[0] [4] Handle

Handle to the ADS client

[5] TypeHandle

Handle to the TypeResolver