
Function block-specific structure with initialization parameters, which are analyzed when the function block is initialized.

TYPE ST_CM_PowerCepstrum_InitPars EXTENDS ST_CM_Object_InitPars :
    nFFT_Length        : UDINT := 512;                              (* Length of FFT. *) 
    nWindowLength      : UDINT := 400;                              (* Length of analysis window. *)
    eWindowType        : E_CM_WindowType := eCM_HannWindow;         (* Window type. *)
    aWindowParameters  : T_CM_WindowParameters := [2.5,1,1,1,1];    (* Window parameters for specific windows, e.g. FlatTop. *)
    nOverlap           : UDINT := -1;                               (* Size of overlap in samples. *)
    fLogThreshold      : LREAL := cCM_MinArgLogN;                   (* Minimum argument of decadic logarithm for 64- bit IEEE 754 arithmetic     eScalingType       : E_CM_ScalingType := eCM_DiracScaling;      (* Scaling type. *)
    nChannels          : UDINT := 1;                                (* Number of channels. *)
ST_CM_PowerCepstrum_InitPars 1:

Window length

The value of nFFT_Length must be equal or greater the value of nWindowLength. The length of the FFT can orient itself to the required frequency resolution. Typically a value of about 3/4 of the FFT length is often used as the window length.

If nFFT_Length is greater than nWindowLength, the frequency resolution of the FFT (and therefore also the length of the return values vector) is increased. The length difference is filled with zeros before the Fourier transform. This can be useful for achieving a higher frequency resolution or, e.g. when calculating with inverse transformation in the time domain, in order to avoid circular aliasing . Despite the higher frequency resolution, however, the result contains no more information.


Development environment

Target platform

PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.1.4022.25

PC or CX (x86, x64)
