Analytics Reporting
24/7 reporting is also possible in Analytics Runtime. The TwinCAT Analytics Workbench Configurator can be used to configure the Reporting modules provided for this purpose (see 24/7 Reporting). The Reporting Collectors collect the data and send it to the Reporting Server. The Reporting Triggers trigger the creation of a report in the Reporting Server.
PLC function blocks are also generated for the Reporting modules via Runtime deployment. This PLC code can then be downloaded to a TwinCAT Analytics Runtime.
In order for the Reporting Server to be available on the TwinCAT Analytics Runtime system, the Measurement Setup must be executed on this system. After successful setup, the Reporting Sever is started as a Windows service.
Provided that the TwinCAT Analytics Runtime is on the same system, the parameter for the AmsNetId in the constructor of the PLC function blocks can be left empty. If this is not the case, an Ads connection must be established between the two systems and the AmsNetId of the system with the Reporting Server must be entered in the constructor of the PLC function blocks.