In the TwinCAT UML options (Tools > Options >TwinCAT > PLC Environment > UML) you can configure the settings relating to the UML editors for the entire project. Modified options take effect when the dialog is closed, even in UML editors that are already open.
Contact spacing
Grid line spacing in pixels. Default: 10
Hook onto the grid
(default): Elements in the UML editors are aligned to the grid when the position is changed.
: Elements in the UML editors are not aligned to the grid when the position is changed.
This setting can also be changed using a command in the editor.
Display grid points
: The grid is visible in the editor as a grid of points.
(default): The grid is not visible in the editor.
Note element:
If the text to be displayed is longer than the defined size of the Note element, ellipses (...) are displayed. In these cases, the tooltip of the Note element displays the full text.
Maximum width
Maximum number of pixels that can be displayed in a line.
Minimum value: 100
Maximum value: 2000
Default: 300
Maximum number of lines
Number of lines that are displayed in the Note element.
Position Condition and Action of a relation together
: A guard condition and an action belonging to the same transition are always repositioned together in the diagram.
(default): A guard condition and an action can be positioned independently of each other in the diagram.
Class diagram
Show prompt when deleting objects from diagram
(default): When using the command to remove the selected elements from the diagram, a query dialog with the following options appears first:
Remove from diagram
Remove from project and diagram (no undo possible)
: When using the command to remove the selected elements, they are only deleted from the diagram. The elements remain in the project.
Skip refactoring preview
: If refactoring is initiated in the diagram, the project-wide change is made without first opening the Refactoring dialog with a preview of all change points.
(default): When refactoring is initiated in the diagram, the Refactoring dialog opens with a preview of all change points.
Hide variables:
Available from TC3.1 Build 4026
To reduce the amount of information within the class diagram to the desired focus, the following options are available.
Hide internal variables
Internal variables have one of the following scopes:
: All internal variables are hidden in the programming objects in the class diagram.
(default): Internal variables are displayed.
Hide signature variables
Signature variables have one of the following scopes:
: All signature variables are hidden in the programming objects in the class diagram.
(default): Signature variables are displayed.
Hiding POU components according to access level:
Available from TwinCAT 3.1.4026.12
The following options can be used to hide or show access modifiers for methods, actions, transitions and properties. Components with an access modifier with a lower access level are shown or hidden in each case
The priority of the access levels in descending order is as follows:
Hide PRIVATE components
: All POU components with the access modifier PRIVATE are hidden in the class diagram.
(default): POU components with the access modifier PRIVATE are displayed. If this option is disabled, the following three options (PROTECTED, INTERNAL, all) are also automatically disabled.
Hide PROTECTED components
: All POU components with the access modifier PROTECTED are hidden in the class diagram. If this option is enabled, the previous option (PRIVATE) is automatically enabled as well.
(default): POU components with the access modifier PROTECTED are displayed. If this option is disabled, the following two options (INTERNAL, all) are also automatically disabled.
Hide INTERNAL components
: All POU components with the access modifier INTERNAL are hidden in the class diagram. If this option is enabled, the previous two options (PRIVATE, PROTECTED) are automatically enabled as well.
(default): POU components with the access modifier INTERNAL are displayed. If this option is disabled, the following option (all) is also automatically disabled.
Hide all components
: All POU components are hidden in the class diagram. If this option is enabled, the previous three options (PRIVATE, PROTECTED, INTERNAL) are automatically enabled as well.
(default): Not all POU components are hidden. Whether some components are hidden depends on the other options.
Hiding POU components by type:
Available from TwinCAT 3.1.4026.12
: All methods are hidden in the class diagram.
(default): Methods are displayed in the class diagram.
: All actions are hidden in the class diagram.
(default): Actions are displayed in the class diagram.
: All properties are hidden in the class diagram.
(default): Properties are displayed in the class diagram.