Harmonics Period 3Ph

Harmonics Period 3Ph 1:

The Harmonics Period module calculates the harmonics of current and voltage. In addition, the THD of the input values is calculated from the harmonics. In contrast to the module Harmonics, the results refer to a configurable number of signal periods. The period duration refers to the frequency specified at the input at the start of the period. The statistical results refer to the entire runtime or the time at which the statistical results were last reset.

In the Beckhoff Information System you will find the documentation for the corresponding PLC function block FB_PMA_Harmonics_Period_3Ph.

In the Beckhoff Information System you will find the documentation of the TF3650 TwinCAT 3 Power Monitoring function with descriptions of the corresponding PLC library.

Configuration parameters

  • Buffer Length: Length of the input buffer.
  • Sample Rate [Hz]: Sample rate (samples per second) of the input signal.
  • Min Input Current [A]: Minimum input value (RMS) of the current. This parameter prevents the calculation of input values that are too small.
  • Periods: Number of periods that influence the calculation. (Period length = sample rate/frequency).

Input values

Output values