Implementation of an Infinite Impulse Response filter (IIR).
The documentation of the corresponding PLC function block can be found here: FB_FTR_IIRSpec
The documentation of the TwinCAT 3 Filter PLC library can be found here: Overview
Configuration parameters
- FilterName: describes the filter implementation (Butterworth, Chebyshev).
- FilterType: describes the filter type (high-pass, low-pass, band-pass, band-stop).
- FilterOrder: filter order (max. 20 for high-pass and low-pass, max. 10 for band-pass and band-stop).
- SamplingRate: sampling rate fs in Hz (greater than zero).
- Cutoff: cut-off frequency in Hz (greater than 0 and less than SamplingRate/2).
- Bandwidth: bandwidth in Hz with respect to band-pass and band-stop.
- PassBandRipple: passband ripple of the amplitude response in the passband of the filter in dB (greater than 0).
- Initial Values (optional): initial values define the internal state of the filter.