Instantaneous Phase

Calculation of the instantaneous phase of a time signal.
The documentation of the corresponding PLC function block can be found here: FB_CMA_InstantaneousPhase
The documentation of the TwinCAT 3 Condition Monitoring PLC library can be found here: Overview.
Configuration options
- FFT Length: is the length of the FFT. It must be greater than one and an integral power of two.
- Window Length: is the length of the analysis window in samples. The length must be greater than one and an even number.
- Number of Channels: defines the number of independent channels. This must be greater than zero.
Phase Unwrap Method: defines the method used for phase-unwrapping with regard to the phase in multiples of 2 PI (see E_CM_UnwrapMethod).
- Phase Threshold: limit value for calculating the instantaneous phase. The value is related to the signal envelope. Interpretation: if the signal level is too low, the calculation of the phase is numerically too uncertain and cannot be evaluated reliably. 0 is then output as the phase.