
Sorts the incoming arguments.
The documentation of the corresponding PLC function block can be found here: FB_CMA_ArgSort
The documentation of the TwinCAT 3 Condition Monitoring PLC library can be found here: Overview.
Configuration options
- Input Length: is the length of the input array.
- Shift NaNs to End: is a flag to select whether NaNs are shifted to the end of the output array.
- Sort Downward: is a flag with which you can select whether the data are to be sorted in ascending (
) or descending (TRUE
) order. - Scale Factor: this parameter can be used to display directly the amplitudes with associated frequencies instead of the index position (Scale Factor = 1), for example.
Output values
- Output Data: output array with identical length of the input array, which contains the optionally ascending or descending sorted input values.
- Output Index: output array with identical length of the input array, which contains the (scalable) indices belonging to the sorted values in the input array.
- Cnt Results: specifies the number of output arrays calculated.
- New Result: is a Boolean value that indicates whether a new result was obtained in the current cycle.