Creating a custom data type

Add a new element (New item...) in the TypeDefinitions folder under Schema.

Creating a custom data type 1:

Add a new JSON file or JSON schema file to the project.

Creating a custom data type 2:

Reference the schema file in Description.json under "dataTypes". Note that user-specific data types are assigned to the "Framework" category.

"dataTypes": [
      "schema": "Schema/TypeDefinitions/CustomDatatype.Schema.json"

You can then use the user-specific data type within Description.json.

"type": "tchmi:framework#/definitions/CustomDatatype
Creating a custom data type 3:

If the framework control is already referenced in an HMI project, a project build (see First Steps) must then be executed and the HMI project reloaded so that the new data type is included in the type descriptions of the HMI project.