Event Grid Control
The Event Grid Control is a control for the tabular display of alarms and messages. It automatically displays the alarms and messages of the target systems addressed in the event logger extension. Alarms can be confirmed directly in the control.
The Event Grid Control is located in the Toolbox under the category Beckhoff, from where you can insert it into an HMI page by drag-and-drop.
Apart from the tabular display of the alarms and messages, the control offers various configuration options in the engineering and during the runtime in the browser.
Detailed view
A detailed view can be displayed for each message and alarm in the Event Grid. The detailed view is opened by selecting a row in the Event Grid and double-clicking on the row. The detailed view provides additional information about the event.
Filters enable the display of alarms and messages according to certain criteria. It is possible, for example, to display only active alarms or to filter according to a certain time period. The filters can be configured under Filter in the control's properties.
You can switch between different filters at runtime by calling a WriteToSymbol for the filter of the Event Grid. Alternatively, you can use various filter settings via the control's menu bar.
The configuration of the columns defines which columns are displayed in the Event Grid Control. By default the type (alarm or message), the severity, the timestamp of the input and the associated text are displayed. Further columns such as the time of the confirmation can be configured in the control's properties. The settings apply to all clients.
There is an option at runtime to change the columns displayed per client. To do this, open the column editor from the menu bar. The column editor automatically opens a popup with an overlay and positions itself in the center of the view:
Confirming an alarm
An alarm can be confirmed by selecting the row containing the alarm and clicking on the button Confirm alarm (single check mark) in the menu bar.
If several alarms are active, there is an option to confirm all alarms simultaneously. To do this, click on the button Confirm all alarms (two check marks) in the menu bar. A popup with an overlay then opens automatically and displays all active alarms. At this point the operator has the option to abort the dialog or to confirm the active alarms.
Within the context of an authorization system it may be useful to allow only certain operators to access the Event Grid. In addition, individual operators may be assigned rights to confirm the events. Rights are configured in TwinCAT HMI at two levels (see User Management).
At control level the configuration right (configuration at runtime) and the right to a detail view can be granted explicitly in addition to the standard rights for the Event Grid.
The right to confirm the alarms can be granted at symbol level. To do this, open the rights management in the expert view.
Further configuration options
Further configuration options for the Event Grid Control can be found here.
An example of the use of the event logger with the Event Grid: Example
The example shows two different configuration options for the Event Grid and the associated PLC project, in which example alarms and messages can be generated.