Schema Generator

The Schema Generator is called at the completion of every process of creating a data type. In addition, it is possible to start directly with the Schema Generator if Start from scratch is selected.

Schema Generator 1:
  1. Data Type Explorer: The Data Type Explorer displays the structure of the data type in a tree view.
  2. Name: Name of the data type.
  3. Title: Title of the data type.
  4. Description: Description of the data type.
  5. Base Type: Base data type of the data type.
  6. Define Subtypes: Enables the definition of subtypes within the schema. A subtype is a user-specific data type within the user-specific data type.
  7. Additional Properties: Adds optional properties to the data type. Optional properties enable the addition of further properties that are not required, but are validated (see JSON documentation).
  8. Required Properties: Defines all properties that are required. One property is entered per row. The data type is not valid if it is lacking a required property.
  9. Subschema Preview: Provides a preview of the generated schema of the selected node in the Data Type Explorer.