Creating a custom data type

Add a new item in the "TypeDefinitions" folder under "Schema".

Creating a custom data type 1:

Add a new JSON file or JSON schema file to the project.

Creating a custom data type 2:

Reference the schema file in Description.json under "dataTypes". Note that user-specific data types are assigned to the "Framework" category.

"dataTypes": [
      "name": "tchmi:framework#/definitions/CustomDatatype",
      "schema": "Schema/TypeDefinitions/CustomDatatype.Schema.json"

You can then use the user-specific data type within Description.json.

"type": "tchmi:framework#/definitions/CustomDatatype
Creating a custom data type 3:

If the framework control is already referenced in an HMI project, a project build (see First Steps) must then be executed and the HMI project reloaded so that the new data type is included in the type descriptions of the HMI project.

To reload the project, right-click on the HMI project and select "Unload project".

Creating a custom data type 4:

Then select "Reload project" to reload the project. You can then use all the functions as usual.

Creating a custom data type 5: