Quick start
To get started, the first step is to install the required NuGet package "Beckhoff.TwinCAT.HMI.AuditTrail".
Installation of a NuGet package
- 1. Create or open an existing HMI project.
- 2. Right-click on the References folder.
- 3. Select Manage NuGet packages.
- A new window opens with the Package Manager.
- 4. Select Beckhoff Offline Packages (1.14) as the package source if the corresponding TcPkg has been installed or nuget.org.
- 5. Switch to the Browse tab.
- You will receive an overview of the available packages.
- 6. Select the required package.
- An overview opens on the right side.
- 7. Select the version you want to install and install it.
- The package is now available to you.
Installation of a required database
Install the database required by Audit Trail.
Configuring the Audit Trail Extension
- 1. Open the configuration page of the Audit Trail in the HMI project
- 2. Go to the DB settings tab
- 3. Establish the connection to the database here.
- The diagnostics window shows whether a connection has been established.
- This completes the basic configuration.
Enable reauthentication on a symbol in Visual Studio / TcXaeShell

- 1. Open the TwinCAT HMI Configuration window.
- 2. Go to the Server Symbols / Mapped Symbols tab.
- 3. Activate the checkmark under the Reauthentication Required column.
- All symbols with the checkmark set require reauthentication in order to write the value.
You can find more information under Add new authentication.
Adding a symbol in Visual Studio / TcXaeShell

- 1. Open the TwinCAT HMI Configuration window.
- 2. Go to the Server Symbols / Mapped Symbols tab.
- 3. Select the symbols to be added to the Audit Trail.
- 4. Add these to the Audit Trail configuration by right-clicking on Audit Trail Settings.
- A pop-up opens for further settings.
- 5. Define whether symbol monitoring is active and a comment must be entered when writing.
- The symbols you have configured are now automatically logged in the Audit Trail during a write operation. If the comment function has been activated, this is also entered.
You can find more information under Add symbols.
Adding an event in Visual Studio / TcXaeShell

- 1. Open the TwinCAT HMI Configuration window.
- 2. Go to the Server Symbols / Audit Trail / Events tab.
- 3. Add a new filter option by double-clicking on create new event filter or by right-clicking on New Audit Trail Event Filter.
- 4. Define a name for your filter.
- 5. Create an appropriate filter configuration.
- All events that match your filter are also included in the Audit Trail.
You can find more information under Add events.
Adding a JavaScript in Visual Studio / TcXaeShell
- 1. Add a new JavaScript file to the project.
- 2. Open the JavaScript file you have created.
- 3. Call the function TcHmi.Server.AuditTrail.createAuditLogEntryEx.
- This function adds a new entry to the audit trail.
You can find more information under Add JavaScript.